Health & Social Care Act 2008
Dr D Hymers, Dr Jens Stahlschmidt and Mrs K M Thomas
Service Provider:
Name: Silloth Group Medical Practice
Lawn Terrace
Silloth on Solway
Telephone: 016973 31309
Registered Manager – Mrs Karen Thomas
Vision: To continually strive to provide a high standard of care and to treat all of our patients with dignity and respect
Registered Manager: Karen Thomas
Managing Partner
Practice Manager: Karen Thomas
Email Address:
Version. 1.07 – 8 December 2021.
Date of Review – 8 December 2022.
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Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4 ), the registering body (Silloth Group Medical Practice) is required to provide to the Care Quality Commission a statement of purpose.
Silloth Group Medical Practice is a Partnership.
The partners include:
Dr Darren Hymers – Clinical Partner
MBChB, Liverpool 2002 BSc
GMC No – 6053483
Dr Jens U Stahlschmidt – Clinical Partner
State Exam, Marburg 1993, PhD
GMC No – 4233262
Mrs Karen Thomas – Non-clinical Managing Partner
In addition to the above partners we employ one WTE Salaried GP (8 sessions). We are now a training practice offering training to stage 5 students twice a year.
Out of hours care is provided by Cumbria Health on Call (CHOC) and extended access by Cumbria Health Extended Access (CHEA).
We are a purpose built building constructed in the 1980’s. All consultation rooms are on the ground floor. We have disabled access with a low rise reception counter and toilet facilities for the disabled together with ample parking space.
We are open for registration to patients resident and temporarily resident in the practice area. We also offer a service to out of area patients with no home visits.
A Minor Injury Service for the locality is also provided.
Aims and Objectives
- To provide high-quality accessible, general practice health care to our whole population without discrimination.
- To ensure all patients are treated fairly and honestly and understand the options available to them.
- To work with other healthcare organisations and providers to tackle the causes of/and treat ill-health and promote wellness.
- To ensure safe and effective services in a safe environment reducing risk where it is found.
- To treat the patient as a whole and not as a disease – what matters to you – not what is the matter with you.
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- To focus on prevention of disease by promoting health and wellbeing and offering care and advice to our patients.
- To continuingly improve healthcare services to patients through learning, monitoring and auditing.
- To ensure all staff are suitably trained and qualified to offer best practice and efficiency at all times.
- To operate in a financially sound manner.
- To provide effective and sound management and governance systems.
- To review annually patient satisfactory surveys of the people who use our services and use the results to make change when required.
Regulated Activities under CQC:
(All activities are provided from Silloth Group Medical Practice, Lawn Terrace, Silloth on Solway, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 4AH).
Regulated Activity 1: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
Regulated Activity 2: Diagnostic and screening procedures
Regulated Activity 3: Family Planning
Regulated Activity 4: Minor Surgical Procedures
Regulated Activity 5: Maternity and Midwifery Services.
(COVID vaccination programme is provided at Wigton Hospital, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 9DD).
Regulated Activity 6: COVID vaccination programme
NHS services provided by our GP’s and clinical staff are defined under the General Medical Services Contract. They are mainly split into three groups of Essential, Additional and Enhanced services for people who have health conditions from which they are expected to recover, chronic disease management and general management of terminally ill patients. These services include (but are not exhaustive):
Routine medical check ups
New patient checks
Medication reviews
Repeat prescription service
Management of Diabetes, Asthma COPD, CHD, Hypertension
Minor surgery
Minor injury
Maternity services – midwife and GP
Contraception services and pill checks, coils, Nexplanon, insertion and removal.
Cervical cytology screening.
Wound management and suture removal
Childhood immunisations
Child health surveillance
Travel advice and vaccination
Flu immunisation and routine adult immunisation
Smoking cessation service
Annual coil checks
Annual health checks/dementia
Annual learning disability checks
Home visits
Palliative care
Alcohol and drug misuse
ENT care
Administer covid vaccinations from the practice and Wigton Hospital.
Health Care and Needs:
We respect the privacy and dignity of our patients and endeavour to treat all of our patients with respect and honesty.
For patients who do not speak English we can offer a translation service.
We are also able to offer information in larger fonts or electronically as requested. The practice is accessible to wheelchair patients. Our website is also available in different languages as required
Consent and Chaperone
Consulting rooms are away from reception area. No patient is examined or procedure undertaken without consent. A chaperone is available upon request and this is advertised in the waiting area, practice leaflet and on our website.
Confidentiality and Access to Patient Information:
All patient information is considered to be confidential and we comply fully with the Data Protection Act to keep information safe and secure. All employees have access to this information in relation to their role and have signed a confidentiality agreement. Relevant information may be shared with multi-disciplinary health care teams at the practice and with other health care professionals to whom a patient is referred. Those individuals have a professional and contractual duty of confidentiality.
Confidential and identifiable information relating to patients will not be disclosed to other individuals without their explicit consent, unless ordered to do so by a court order or where it is in the public interest to do so to prevent harm.
Silloth Group Medical Practice Statement of Purpose
Date: 8 December 2021.
Review Date: 8 December 2022.